Friday, August 2, 2013

Grilling Baskets

Have you ever lost food by having it slip through the grill? This happens to just about anyone who uses a grill. Have you ever had the food stick to the grill? Another problem for the person standing next to the grill. Then, perhaps grilling baskets are the answer to your problems.

A few months ago I noticed a hamburger basket in a store. I thought this to be a cleaver, and useful, idea. After looking around I soon found other baskets designed for a multitude of foods. It occurs to me this may be worth sharing.

Enclosed Grilling Baskets

These baskets use the same idea as a waffle iron, the food is placed in the basket, and trapped by a second basket that closes over the food. Once the food is locked within the baskets, the baskets and their contends can be placed on a grill. The baskets are open mesh, allowing that unique grilling flavor to come out.

These baskets are placed on the grill by a handle. When the food is ready to be turned, simply take the basket by the handle, using a pot holder, and flip. No longer is it necessary to carefully get under the food without causing damage, break the food from the grill, and flip one item at a time. In addition to not damaging the food, this method clearly makes the work less, and has the food cook together. Have you ever flipped burgers? Was the last burger too well done by the time you got to it? Never again. All burgers, or whatever, cook together.

And here is a feature you may really appreciate. Many baskets have stick proof coatings! This is a feature well worth having during the cooking, and during the clean up afterwards.

Mr Bar B Q 06601X Deluxe Non-Stick Flexible Grilling Basket


 Mr. Bar-B-Q Oversized Silver Nonstick Grilling Basket


GrillPro 24014 Non-Stick Triple Fish Basket


 Charcoal Companion Non-Stick Corn Grilling Basket with Rosewood handle

For many vegetables the choice would be an open grilling basket, wherein the vegetables can be shaken occasionally.

Weber Style 6434 Professional-Grade Vegetable Basket

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