Thursday, August 22, 2013

Trivia Party Games

So, it is a small party, and besides eating you need entertainment,  Trivial Pursuit, and other such games, make excellent party entertainment.  But, Trivial Pursuit has been out a long tme, and some of the people playing may remember the answers.  Well, this is not really a problem.  If the party has a theme, match it, otherwise pick a topic liked by all of the participants.

One popular version of Trivial Pursuit is the Beatles edition.  This is especially good for a group who may think they remember all of the details of the Beatles.  You had better know more than four names.

The Beatles Trivial Pursuit


Disney, another popular topic for a party theme, has several versions of Trivial Pursuit.  One edition is just for animated pictures!

Trivial Pursuit Disney Edition

 Disney Trivial Pursuit - Animated Picture Edition


How much do you know about the silver screen.  Did you know you could test that knowledge?

Trivial Pursuit Silver Screen Edition subsidiary Card Set


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